Question Posts Last Poster Freshness
Best practices for historical-primary-source translations sites?
2 Wayne Graham 5 years
Who supports DH at your institution? An impromptu survey.
9 Shane Landrum 5 years
How deal with marginal notes (XSL-FO) ?
8 5 years
Getting started with XSLT document() ?
6 Hayim 5 years
XSL: sorting based on user input
6 Richard Lehane 5 years
History of markup and markup languages?
6 Kevin Hawkins 5 years
XSL-FO advice needed
6 Hugh Cayless 5 years
Libraries offering OAI-PMH metadata for digitized objects?
11 Kevin Hawkins 5 years
What's the difference between Digital Humanities and New Media?
7 5 years
Which text editor is best for Hebrew and TEI?
3 Kirk Hess 5 years
Alternatives to Cocoon?
14 Conal Tuohy 5 years
Oral History Metadata Standards and Schemes
6 Ethan Gruber 5 years
Has anyone seen book Tables of Contents represented well in RDF?
6 Patrick Murray-John 5 years
What are some examples of digital libraries that use MIX metadata for images?
2 Dorothea Salo 5 years
Good, fast metadata management for digital photos of archival items?
4 Ethan Gruber 5 years