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Do you have amazing activities for teaching typography?
2 pfyfe 1 year
Examples of online teaching modules or lesson plans?
3 Kaarina 2 years
How did you learn to code?
9 Patrick Murray-John 2 years
What texts would you use in a "Literature of Information Overload" course?
13 GeoffreyRockwell 5 years
Undergraduate DH Training, Transferable Skills, and Employment Prospects
3 scottkleinman 5 years
Any graduate level DH programs in the works?
7 Ethan Gruber 6 years
DH projects with strong visual/non-linear components
1 Inna Kizhner 6 years
Recommended course of study for New Media/DH teaching career?
2 Miriam Posner 6 years
Resources/Strategies for teaching coding or programming to grad students?
4 Wayne Graham 6 years
Most comprehensive and current list of DH programs?
6 Bethany Nowviskie 7 years
What is one topic or source you'd use in a History of the Information Age class?
11 elotroalex 7 years
What should I read and what software should I use to do textual studies well?
5 johnlaudun 7 years
Design a digital history curriculum: what would you include?
4 jean_bauer 7 years
What's the best open source e-Portfolio tool for teaching?
7 8 years
What are the essential DH books on your class reading list?
13 MelissaTerras 8 years