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Feedback on Digital Humanities Best Practices document
1 ebuhe 3 years
Old English resources and tools
1 martinwunderlich 4 years
How might DH take advantage of "Heads Up Displays" (i.e. Google Glass)?
2 5 years
Virtual Lightbox? (or, what are some good image comparison tools?)
4 Trip Kirkpatrick 5 years
Seeking a generalizable metadata mapping tool
6 jennriley 5 years
How create a real (with page numbers) index of journal's entire run, from PDFs?
9 Joel Kalvesmaki 5 years
Collaboration/project management tools for a small distributed team?
4 denten 6 years
Experience with Collective Access?
4 Kaia 6 years
How do you display TEI documents online?
9 Ingarao Maud 6 years
What Tech Would You Buy for a New Cultural Heritage Informatics Space?
9 Arno Bosse 7 years
Suggestions for open source frameworks for web development?
10 Patrick Murray-John 7 years
When your texts aren't digital (yet)
5 8 years
Recommentations for open-source GIS software?
3 Chris Clapp 8 years