In 2009, writing in Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ), Christine L. Borgman asks the question: "Where are the social studies of digital humanities?" as part of an article entitled, "The Digital Future is Now: A Call to Action for the Humanities". Borgman elaborates, "Why is no one following digital humanities scholars around to understand their practices, in the way that scientists have been studied for the last several decades? ... The humanities community should invite more social scientists as research partners and should make themselves available as objects of study. In doing so, the community can learn more about itself and apply the lessons to the design of tools, services, policies, and infrastructure."
This year I'm writing a Master's thesis with the current working title of "Towards an Ethnography of the Digital Humanities: A Study of DH and the Future of Research Libraries". My focus will be on the histories and futures of CHNM, MITH, and the Scholar's Lab.
Any advice, suggested reading, or input is greatly appreciated. Thanks.