I've done some work with Gephi lately, but I find myself with a problem I can't quite solve. I work on reprinting networks, and thus far have generated network graphs from spreadsheets of reprinting with the original newspaper in one column (source) and reprinting newspaper in the second (target). Import edge table-->Gephi creates a pretty graph.
I now have a much larger spreadsheet generated from a text-mining experiment I've started with a colleague in computer science. This spreadsheet includes for each found text:
an ID number identifying a particular reprinted text (ex: 8679:5136:18458:8488:5042:872:3924:2547:21444) | Date of each reprinting | URL of source text | Name of each publication | City and State of Publication | Longitude of Publication | the text matched
So there might be 10 lines with the same ID number--the "same text"--but different values in the other columns for each new reprinting of that text we found. I want to generate two opposite but complementary graphs from this data:
1.) in the first, the nodes would be Newspaper titles, and the edges would represent shared reprints--the ID field, I suppose. In other words, edges would be drawn between papers that reprinted the same text. Edges would be larger the more texts the two shared. I suspect there will be multi-stage process to prepare my data to do this, but I'm honestly not sure where to start.
2.) in the second, the nodes would be individual reprinted texts (the ID field for now, though we're working on generating titles) and the edges would be publications. Edges would be drawn between texts that appeared in the same newspaper.
Any help you can offer would be appreciated. I can't find a way to do this in one step through Gephi, so I'm sure there's some data massaging ahead of me.