I have to apologize in advance for any infelicities of expression in this post - I'm very new to DH and don't know all of the lingo.
I'm working on my dissertation in an American Studies department, and I'm writing a chapter about non-fiction science books produced for kids in the US during the 1920s and 1930s. In the process of researching, I've come across many book lists (issued by librarians and children's book reviewers) and have started to compile a big Zotero folder full of examples of relevant titles. It's starting to become clear that part of the work that this chapter will have to do is to show large-scale shifts in this field over time. I'm beginning to think that I might try to build a bibliography...or a database?...that could inform the chapter's argument, and could be available to readers, as well.
What I'd really like to do is to have a way to enter all of these book titles into some kind of program that would then allow me to show the way that this field of publication evolved over time. Ideally I'd love to be able to enter each book into this program, assigning it metadata, including subject matter, publishing house, author, date of pub, types of illustrations, appearance on these "best-of" lists, and possibly some fields that I haven't anticipated as of yet. Then I'd like to be able to produce visualizations (graphs? timelines?) of the way that each of these fields change over time.
I'd also love for the final product (database? bibliography?) to be presentable via a website, and publicly searchable/visible.
Any advice you could give would be most welcome.