I will be travelling to Haiti next week to attend the INURED conference <http://inured.org/conference.html> and then several days of site visits to libraries and universities.
I would be very interested in hearing from the DH community any thoughts or experiences with digital projects focusing on Haiti in particular, or developing countries in general. What kinds of collaborative projects (with local institutions) are most useful or practical? What works well, and what doesn't. What are the most feasible ways to bring DH projects and access (or basic library training and development) to countries with low technical infrastructure and connectivity, and high levels of poverty?
I know of several initiatives focused on providing open access to scholarly or cultural resources in Haiti, including
Digital Library of the Caribbean: http://dloc.com/
Libraries Without Borders--Haiti: http://www.librarieswithoutborders.org/?cat=32
eGranary Digital Library: http://www.widernet.org/egranary/
and a previous DH Answers post on Haiti: http://digitalhumanities.org/answers/topic/best-dh-tools-for-best-access-in-haiti#post-283
What roles are there for digital humanities in Haiti and developing countries, and how to we help it happen?