I've started a Zotero collection here https://www.zotero.org/groups/digital_humanities/items/collectionKey/KAIJQCCV with a few items, but am generally just keen to hear about any policies, processes or successfully completed digital dissertations / theses. This could include humanities dissertations presented as websites, multi-media products etc. It might also include hybrid models, where the candidate presents both a traditional print output and associated digital ones.
Does anyone know of resources relating to digital dissertations / theses?
(4 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 5 years ago Permalink
Thanks for starting this collection, James! The following aren't specific dissertations, but some resources both discussing new models for dissertations as well as mentioning specific digital dissertation projects:
#digdiss and #SCIGradEd (Scholarly Communication Institute's “Rethinking Humanities Graduate Education” work)
#SCIGradEd released a report and additional resources, many of which touch on the dissertation: http://uvasci.org/current-work/graduate-education/rethinking-grad-ed-oct-2012/
I did a Storify about non-book-length/digital dissertations here: http://www.literaturegeek.com/2012/10/21/dh-the-dissertation-literature-style/
A currently small and inactive group on HASTAC: http://hastac.org/groups/digital-dissertations
This week's Chronicle of Higher Education story on digital dissertations: https://chronicle.com/article/The-Dissertation-Can-No-Longer/137215/?key=SjlxJQNrbiRDYHoyb2wWZTlWbH0%2BYk51ZSNAYnghbllRFQ%3D%3D
Posted 5 years ago Permalink -
If you haven't done so already, you might consider the resources available from Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, " an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs)". Their website is http://www.ndltd.org/.
And Liza Potts from Michigan State University and Kathie Gossett from Iowa State University received a 2012 Digital Humanities Start-Up Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities for "Building an Open-Source Archive for Born-Digital Dissertations." They hosted a "three-day workshop to explore relevant issues and identify requirements for the development of an archive for the preservation of dissertations that incorporate interactive or dynamic digital media." Their entry in the NEH database is https://securegrants.neh.gov/publicquery/main.aspx?f=1&gn=HD-51561-12 and the video of their lightning round talk at the NEH project directors meeting where they describe their project is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahuULHlcsoU#t=9m27s . Eventually, they will post a white paper evaluating their project activities. In the meantime, I'm sure that either of these two scholars would be happy to discuss their project with you.
Posted 5 years ago Permalink -
Thanks Amanda and Jennifer - I've updated the Zotero collection. I've remembered that this topic is (very) closely related to the broader issue of evaluation and review, so people stumbling across this question might also like to have a look at content in https://www.zotero.org/groups/digital_humanities/items/collectionKey/WU6FDQC7 and http://journalofdigitalhumanities.org/ (Vol. 1, No.4, 2012).
Posted 5 years ago Permalink
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