Hi, this is my first question, so apologies if I miss the point a bit (I'm not sure which category suits best). Anyway I'm currently studying for a an MLIS, having nearly done an MA in Digital Humanities. My intention is to do a PhD in Digital Humanities (well so long as my application is successful). My background is in fact history, but I am hoping my LIS skills will become as important, and can help tie my humanities background to this field in someway.
I may be wrong, but from what I see there is a slight disconnect between the two fields, one that I hope to help bridge, but I'm not entirely sure how. I've been told librarians have been involved in digital humanities, but no-one has really explained how beyond some traditional work. Can anyone point me to, or highlight how LIS/Librarians have been involved in this field?
Again, sorry for the long winded post.
Peter , Ireland