I know photo editing software can analyze color and display CIELAB and Munsell color identification notations for selected image areas. Is there a tool (preferably open source) that will analyze and identify the colors in a digital image, and create an output file recording those colors in CIELAB or Munsell notation?
How to analyze & record CIELAB or Munsell notations of colors in digital images?
(6 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 4 years ago Permalink
I'm pretty sure that there are ImageJ (http://rsbweb.nih.gov/ij/features.html) segmentation plugins that should be able to handle this. Actually, rather than ImageJ I recommend you use Fiji (http://fiji.sc/wiki/index.php/Fiji) instead. As they say on their site, "Fiji compares to ImageJ as Ubuntu compares to Linux."
Posted 4 years ago Permalink -
ImageJ should have a plugin. It can also be done in Python with PIL (which has a dependency on numPy, I believe).
Posted 4 years ago Permalink -
Replying to @Anupam Basu's post:
Replying to @Arno Bosse's post:
Thank you both for your replies. I'm not nearly so savvy as to actually *understand* what you've suggested, so I'm going to take your ideas to our programmer and hopefully will be able to get the color reading job done for our image database. Many thanks!
Posted 4 years ago Permalink -
Replying to @materialculture's post:
If you have a database of images that you simply need to parse through while recording every color, you might try the colormath module as well.Posted 4 years ago Permalink
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