I'm interested in learning more about computer-based textual analysis, so I developed a project using the journal Literature/Film Quarterly (LFQ). I haven't done this sort of research before, so I'm trying to determine the best questions to ask and the tools that will help me answer them. I'm hoping someone might be able to tell me if these are reasonable questions to ask. I'd also appreciate any suggestions.
LFQ began in 1973 and continues now. As the oldest journal in the field, looking at the text should be able to provide some insights about how adaptation studies developed. At about 50 articles a year for 43 years, I'm looking at 2150 articles.
Can an examination of the entire text of LFQ reveal anything substantial about the way adaptation studies has changed from 1973-present?
What are the most frequently cited texts in each year? WebofScience doesn't support this journal.
What names (other scholars) appear most frequently each year?
What kinds of terms are used in earlier years (e.g. “fidelity,” "intertextuality") and do they continue throughout the journal’s history?
If there are other questions that I could explore, I'd appreciate any suggestions.