I've always used University resources for web hosting (web site, Wordpress blog, Omeka, dSpace, etc.) but now I have some personal research to post so I would like to start building my own space outside the University. So, here is the usual,frequently asked, difficultly broad question: can anyone recommend a web hosting service? I see BlueHost, DreamHost and HostGator talked about but would like pros and cons of those and others. Any new hosts making a splash? Any you have dealt with in the past that were disappointing?
My requirements are decent service, cheap (under $10/month if possible), domain name, lots of space (currently have about 3,000 images using 57 GB of space. About half of that is in tifs that I can store elsewhere but this will continue to be a growing image database), and I'll want to install the programs listed above along with whatever may come along. I've installed and run MAMP locally but, as I said, this will be the first time doing this out in the big world so I'm not even sure which questions to ask about what to look for.