We are looking for tools to tag and analyze interview transcript texts. Should work in tandem with archival/database software, undetermined as yet. Center on Aging and Community, Indiana University.
Recommendations on ethnographic software?
(5 posts) (4 voices)-
Posted 4 years ago Permalink
You may want to look at ELAN too and http://dirt.projectbamboo.org/ for more suggestions.
Posted 4 years ago Permalink -
This just in.. http://www.borisfx.com/Soundbite/ Watch the first demo video. Since it works with all QuickTime compatible formats you could use this to analyze & index WAV files imported into FCP, have it search for and tag the file with in/out markers around the search terms and then export the whole thing again as XML. Pretty neat if it works as advertised. I'm not aware of an open source package that can do this.
Posted 4 years ago Permalink -
check out http://www.dedoose.com/
cheaper than NVivo, much of the same functionality.
Posted 4 years ago Permalink
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