Hi Folks,
I'm considering a project that is more or less on my own time, and sort of in an area of inquiry that I don't often pursue. Therefore, I hope to get some input on the right toolset to get some work done.
My great grandfather was a newspaper columnist, and his work is currently only available in microfilm and in moldy boxes at my grandmother's house. I would love to get this electronified, even if it's only for our family to use.
Omeka seems like the logical choice for organizing and eventually conveying the archive, but what else can I use to 1) make this as painless as possible and 2) give me a rich set of data for interesting analysis and text mining?
The stack of papers is pretty large -- we're looking at 35 years-worth of daily columns. The kinds of things I'd be interested in tracking would mostly be time-based (i.e. keyed to periods of time like presidencies or other historical events.
I do have some help, in siblings and cousins, for transcriptions or other tedious work, but is there some OCR approach I should consider?
This is very much in the "Maybe we could do this ..." phase, so I'd appreciate any thoughts or suggestions.