A colleague has asked for recommendation. Any ideas? Here's the request: "I'm working on a research project right now that involves a series of overlapping social networks in Germany around the time of WWI and I'm looking for some software to help organize and graph this information showing fluctuations over time... I'm thinking of a high tech version of pasting lots of photos on the wall and running strings between them in the old police investigation shows. In any case, I'm wondering if you have any recommendations for a mac user, with a reasonable but not huge amount of computer knowledge. Google searches led me to Gephi, but I'm having a hard time figuring it out and am wondering if there is something better suited to the kind of information historians are interested in."
Visualizing image/data networks
(4 posts) (3 voices)-
Posted 3 years ago Permalink
I found Vizster but the phrase at that site "You can either load data from an XML file describing the network or from a custom MySQL database" seems in conflict with my colleagues requirement for use by someone with "not huge amount of computer knowledge."
Posted 3 years ago Permalink -
This is a (shudder) Excel template based solution, but it may get the job done:
I haven't played with it myself, but noticed it while researching some solutions for a similar project the other day.
Posted 3 years ago Permalink -
For visualizing a large number of images based on various data you might want to consider ImagePlot: http://lab.softwarestudies.com/p/imageplot.html I found it takes a bit of patience and fiddling to run initially, but it can be worthwhile, depending on the nature of your data (less to show networks and more to show clustering).
Posted 3 years ago Permalink
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