Question Posts Last Poster Freshness
Tools for annotating video, linking to text?
3 Ethan Gruber 2 years
Tools for making flow maps - 2 16 LAB1100 2 years
Text mining tools that work with RTL texts?
2 2 years
DH laptop horsepower
6 Willy Lee 2 years
Early Modern OCR Texts in Spanish
2 AntonioRojasCastro 2 years
Topic Modeling (MALLET) with JSTOR Data For Research
10 Ben Marwick 2 years
DH Project List/Registry/Catalog/etc?
2 Brett Bobley 2 years
What are the best practices for data curation in GitHub?
3 Ben Brumfield 2 years
Recommendations for timeline tools?
5 leon.robichaud 2 years
MALLET - adding to the stopword list
8 Bethany Nowviskie 2 years
What software would you install on lab machines for DH teaching OR research?
6 Andrew Goldstone 3 years
DH projects on intellectual histories within universities
1 leondk 3 years
Alternatives to InDesign for creating multimedia ebooks? - 2 21 Sharon K. Goetz 3 years
Publishing academic multimedia e-book (anthropology)
4 Bethany Nowviskie 3 years
I'd like to create a personal database for a collection of letters
6 Gogol71 3 years