Question Posts Last Poster Freshness
Automatically Preparing Edge/Node Data for Gephi
7 Michael Widner 2 years
Art(-history) and Artificial Intelligence - Which Questions are Most Pressing?
4 Ethan Gruber 2 years
What allusion detection software is publicly available?
3 Smallpiper 2 years
Visualizing image/data networks
4 Stéfan Sinclair 2 years
Search and discovery tool for library collections?
4 Aaron Brenner 2 years
Mapping historic sites - MediaWiki?
2 elotroalex 2 years
Word frequency and collocation tool
8 Stéfan Sinclair 2 years
How create a real (with page numbers) index of journal's entire run, from PDFs?
9 Joel Kalvesmaki 2 years
resources for the theory and math behind text-mining algorithms
6 johnlaudun 2 years
Who's using the Zotero-plugin for displaying bibliographic collections in Omeka?
2 Sheila Brennan 2 years
Most effective software for building searchable digital bibliographic database?
7 shmerritt 2 years
Stopword list for Old English
3 Michael Widner 2 years
inventories/clearinghouses/registers of DH projects?
8 kevin.s.hawkins 2 years
Writing Grants for DH Projects
2 laurie taylor 2 years
Best voice recording plugin for Wordpress?
4 George Williams 2 years