Question Posts Last Poster Freshness
text network analysis using Gephi
3 diane.southier 3 years
Transcription layer on top of fedora/blacklight stack
1 elotroalex 3 years
Where do you go for data?
1 thomasgpadilla 4 years
Where can I get data for a map of all of the letters a historical figure sent?
2 Dorothea Salo 5 years
How does one prepare and use data for network analysis with Gephi?
5 Josh 5 years
Have you used MongoDB for DH project?
2 6 years
Is anyone using the RBMS/ACRL vocabularies Binding Terms or Type Evidence?
4 6 years
Can you migrate content into
8 Sheila Brennan 6 years
In-copyright ebooks for text analysis?
2 Kevin Hawkins 7 years
Bibliographies with Geolocation Metadata
7 Stéfan Sinclair 7 years
References/best practices on controlled vocabularies and thesauri
8 Dorothea Salo 7 years
How to model dates and time in DH projects?
8 Patrick Murray-John 8 years
Institutional Records Repository Software
6 Stéfan Sinclair 8 years
Annual Faculty Activity Report
4 8 years
What's the best way to name files for large projects??
7 Laura Weakly 8 years