getting a grip of how to model date and time is difficult and I am looking for a good discussion of the possibilities, including how to deal with unknown, imprecise or uncertain data.
How to model dates and time in DH projects?
(8 posts) (7 voices)-
Posted 4 years ago Permalink
I'm not an expert in this area - but there was a really interesting discussion on the Antiquist discussion list about this very topic ("fuzzy dates") earlier in the year. Join the list to see the discussion, lots of pointers to interesting articles: points to articles such as "Deducing event chronology in a cultural heritage
documentation system" by Jon Holmen and Christian-Emil Ore
LODE: Linking Open Descriptions of Events
best, Melissa
Posted 4 years ago Permalink -
This is a semantic web stuff, but W3C has a time ontology
One important part of it is a distinction between Instant and Interval. Intervals might be handy for modeling imprecise data, though I don't recall how they would model the level of imprecision.
Posted 4 years ago Permalink -
Bruce Robertson at Mt. Allison U in Canada has a longstanding project in this area: HEML (Historical Event Markup Language. He had at least one piece in DHQ some time ago. And of course Johanna Drucker and I undertook the Temporal Modelling Project specifically to address ambiguity, etc. in temporal expression in the humanities, by letting people experiment with humanities-oriented timelines in an iterative, graphical sketching environment. That's a 10-year-old project now being revived with collaborators including Stan Ruecker, Geoff Rockwell, Susan Brown, Jim Allman from the original project, and Wayne Graham, who works with me at the UVa Scholars' Lab. Probably the best (short) thing to read on the Temp Mod concept is the end section -- a capsule summary -- I contributed to an essay on "aesthetic provocation" in DH, in the Blackwell's Companion several years ago. With any luck, we'll soon have some new things to say & prototypes to share...
Posted 4 years ago Permalink -
I'm a bit late to the party, but a while back I created a Zotero Group on modelling historical events -- you might find something of use there.
Posted 4 years ago Permalink -
You may have already found what you were looking for, but I wrote a blog post detailing the solutions I used in my project (complete with links to code snippets). Hope it helps.
Posted 4 years ago Permalink -
If you're into linked data, just saw Linked Open Descriptions of Events, which might directly or indirectly help, too.
Posted 4 years ago Permalink
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