Question Posts Last Poster Freshness
Resources/Contacts for Digital Humanity Projects or Digital Humanists in Africa?
12 4 years
Anyone interested in teaching a DH workshop for archivists?
2 dot.porter 4 years
Are there any summer fellowship opportunities in DH for non-TT faculty?
2 4 years
Collaboration/project management tools for a small distributed team?
4 denten 4 years
Training in DH for unaffiliated newbie academics?
3 Bethany Nowviskie 5 years
Faircite: Who should we cite in collaborative DH Projects?
10 Trevor Owens 5 years
Founding staff for a new DH Center?
7 Ryan Cordell 5 years
The human side of content management?
4 Korey Jackson 5 years
Tips on performing an environmental scan?
5 Ethan Gruber 5 years
What skills/knowledge allowed you to get started doing DH?
6 Paige Morgan 5 years
What's the DH scene like in the Chicago area?
5 bllestock 5 years
How can LIS graduates have greater involvement in Digital Humanities?
5 Patrick Murray-John 5 years
Examples of active participation of archives/archivists in DH projects?
3 Brett Bobley 5 years
I am looking for resources for finding DH summer internships. Any suggestions?
6 Ethan Gruber 5 years
What is the relationship of DH to Computers-&-Composition?
8 Patrick Murray-John 5 years