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Training in DH for unaffiliated newbie academics?
3 Bethany Nowviskie 6 years
Recommendations for introducing librarians to DH?
6 6 years
How do we introduce undergraduates to the digital humanities? - 2 20 Paige Morgan 6 years
What is one topic or source you'd use in a History of the Information Age class?
11 elotroalex 7 years
What should I read and what software should I use to do textual studies well?
5 johnlaudun 7 years
An intro to DH from the cultural heritage perspective?
1 Sheila Brennan 8 years
Recommended readings on sustainability in digital humanities?
4 8 years
Good introductory, practical texts on markup, tagging or coding for DH projects?
8 rlee13 8 years
Methods/ideas for teaching hypertext theory
5 Vika Zafrin 8 years
What is Digital Humanities?
8 Elizabeth Glascock 8 years
Seeking readings on open access in digital humanities
14 dot.porter 8 years
Good readings about interface design?
6 Bill Ferster 8 years
Reading/Resource List for Cultural Heritage Informatics Graduate Fellows...
7 ethan.watrall 8 years
Should we still be teaching HTML?
11 profhanley 8 years