Sure thing (in retrospect I can see that my initial post was far too general- sorry about that!)
Just to give a little bit of back story- I'm based in Australia where the rapid growth of the online population here has resulted in an ingenuity gap of sorts within the advertising industry. Often it is buyers/creatives from other media specialisations who are implementing online campaigns and they are bringing years of acculturation within print and broadcast media with them. As a result, we see things like 30 second TVCs being used as video pre-rolls and re-appropriated magazines ads (sometimes non-clickable) being slapped across websites. Yuck!
I follow Adrian Miles' thinking that hypertext literacy is a problem of both reading and writing. In completing the program I hope that students will feel confident in both practices based on a sound understanding of the basic properties that help define hypertext (i.e. nodes, linkages, multi-linearity, acentredness etc.). The theoretical concepts to be covered will only be at a beginner type level but I hope to equip students with the tools to continue their learning outside of the classroom (such as teaching them to set up and maintain research blogs and using RSS to keep across industry and technology developments). I also want to encourage them to apply theoretical concepts to the challenges they will face in everyday professional life.
I'm currently investigating teaching practises that others have used while tackling Hypertext with students but have found surprisingly little on the subject (other than the two previously mentioned examples). Any ideas/suggestions?