Question Posts Last Poster Freshness
Quirky recommends for DH course on commercial/marketing 'discontents' to share
5 thatdrmaz 2 years
What is Digital Humanities?
6 mbranson_1993 2 years
Precedent for coding partially fulfilling a PhD foreign-lang. requirement?
9 mbranson_1993 2 years
What are essential introductory theorizations of the Model?
1 Michael Ullyot 2 years
Undergraduate DH Training, Transferable Skills, and Employment Prospects
3 scottkleinman 3 years
Accessibility, open access etc - Recommended articles and papers?
2 Dorothea Salo 3 years
single person DH class idea - urban space and film
2 3 years
What technologies are most effective for K-12 humanities instruction?
1 3 years
Lectures de base (en français) pour les "digital humanities"
6 Aurelien Berra 3 years
Does anyone know of resources relating to digital dissertations / theses?
4 James Smithies 3 years
Any graduate level DH programs in the works?
7 Ethan Gruber 3 years
What is the easiest tool for topic modelling ?
11 3 years
How do we introduce undergraduates to the digital humanities? - 2 20 Paige Morgan 4 years
Can you do TEI with students, for close reading?
5 frostdavis 4 years
Digital history speaker recommendation?
3 jennriley 4 years